Thursday, November 30, 2017

Space Station in the Sky Over Washington D.C.

The International Space Station is seen in this twenty-second exposure as it flies over the Washington National Cathedral, Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017. Onboard are: NASA astronauts Joe Acaba, Mark Vande Hei, and Randy Bresnik; Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Sergey Ryanzansky; and ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli. via NASA

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Proving Ground in Space

Dellingr is a shoebox-sized spacecraft built to show that CubeSat platforms could be cost-effective, reliable and capable of gathering highly robust science. via NASA

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Alpha and Omega

These two images illustrate just how far Cassini traveled to get to Saturn. via NASA

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Friday, November 24, 2017

Star Wanders Too Close to a Black Hole

This artist’s rendering shows the tidal disruption event named ASASSN-14li, where a star wandering too close to a 3-million-solar-mass black hole was torn apart. The debris gathered into an accretion disk around the black hole. via NASA

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Beauty of Ice

Ice can be stunningly beautiful and also quite varied in its appearance. via NASA

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tending Your Garden … In Space

If you plant it, will it grow (in space)? The answer is yes, at least for certain types of plants. via NASA

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Behold! Observing the Sun

A broad hole in the corona was the Sun’s dominant feature November 7-9, 2017. via NASA

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Friday, November 17, 2017

Jovian Tempest

This color-enhanced image of a massive, raging storm in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere was captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft. via NASA

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sunrise Flight to the Space Station

Orbital ATK’s Cygnus resupply ship with its cymbal-ike UltraFlex solar arrays approaches the International Space Station on Nov. 14, 2017. via NASA

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Liftoff! Orbital Antares Rocket Launches From Wallops Flight Facility

The Orbital ATK Antares rocket, with the Cygnus spacecraft onboard, launches from Pad-0A, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017 via NASA

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Astronaut Jack Fischer With Honor Flight Veterans

NASA astronaut Jack Fischer talks with veterans at the World War II Memorial who traveled to Washington, DC with the Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight. Fischer, a colonel in the U.S. Air Force, wrote, “Few things can compare to the honor of meeting WWII, Korea and Vietnam vets today–thank you for your sacrifices to keep us all free.” via NASA

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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Earth as Viewed From 10,000 Miles

On November 9, 1969, the uncrewed Apollo 4 test flight made a great ellipse around Earth as a test of the translunar motors and of the high speed entry required of a crewed flight returning from the Moon. via NASA

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Rare Encircling Filament

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory came across an oddity that the spacecraft has rarely observed before: a dark filament encircling an active region (Oct. 29-31, 2017). Solar filaments are clouds of charged particles that float above the sun, tethered to it by magnetic forces. via NASA

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Space Station Crew Sees Lots of Clouds

Expedition 53 Flight Engineer Paolo Nespoli of the European Space Agency (ESA) photographed cloudy skies over Sudan during an International Space Station flyover on Oct. 22, 2017. Nespoli shared the image with his followers on social media on Nov. 6, writing, “#EarthFromSpace means also… Lots of clouds! How do they look from below?” via NASA

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