Monday, March 2, 2015

Wind energy. Is it green?

Originally posted on rave|rant|reflect:

By ‘green’ we mean more efficient and less polluting. What is true of energy derived from sun rays is true of wind energy as well. Wind is clearly at a much higher entropy* level than coal is. Therefore we can extract much lower level of energy contained in wind than that in coal. The part of wind energy that can’t be harnessed for doing useful work will get dissipated in the form of vibrations caused by forces (other than those help in rotating the turbine) on wind turbine’s blades, bearings and support structure.

Since wind doesn’t flow at constant speed additional energy losses will take place in acceleration and deceleration of the wind turbine. It is easier to burn coal, for example, at reasonably constant rate.

The much higher entropy in wind (changing speeds, cross directions, turbulence) and sun rays (scattered rays, wavelengths outside electron flow generating quantum bands, changing…

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